Welcome to St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church

WHAT TO EXPECT We invite you to join us for our Sunday morning services, which begin at 9:30 am. Greeters will provide you with a service bulletin and will answer your questions. You are encouraged to dress in a comfortable and respectful manner. Children are welcome!

After the service, the priest will meet with anyone who desires brief healing prayers and optional laying on of hands and anointing with oil in the library.

Our parishioners volunteer to host “coffee hour” after every Sunday service. We would love to have you join us and get acquainted. Children are welcome at coffee hour.


At St. Stephen’s we take joy in joining together to give glory to God. The sermon and music are inspired by the scripture of the day. Music plays an important role in our worship, preparing us for prayers, readings, sacrament and blessing. During September through June, our choir accompanies the congregation in the singing of hymns. Lay people of all ages serve as readers, greeters, and eucharistic ministers.


We are delighted to welcome children of all ages and love hearing their voices. Greeters have activity packs available for young children to take to the pews. When children are present, a short children’s sermon is shared. Children can come forward for the sermon, if they wish to do so. Please feel free to come up with your children if that would make them feel more comfortable. There is a nursery with toys and a comfortable chair if you would like to take a break from the service with your child.

In the Episcopal Church it is customary for parents to determine the appropriate age for children to take communion. We can also offer First Communion instruction to children, if so desired.

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Schenectady NYCOMMUNION

At St. Stephens, we gratefully celebrate communion every week, with distribution of bread and wine. All baptized persons may receive Holy Communion. Those who do not wish to take the bread and wine, and children not yet receiving communion may opt to receive a blessing.

Gluten free / allergy free communion wafers are available.


During the offertory, the greeters take up a collection for funds which support the church and our various ministries. Many people pledge annual support, which is helpful in developing our budget. All contributions are appreciated. Please see the Give Section on this website.