
Adult Education

As a parish on the cusp between a family-sized and a pastoral-sized parish, our events tend to be multi-generational. We seek to be aware of the richness of the learnings and interactions of this reality. We have a variety of learning opportunities throughout the year: book discussions, small group discussions while sharing a meal, lectures on topics of special interest, and Quiet Days. Our programs draw on the wisdom, energy, and interests of members, clergy, musicians, and other community leaders to engage in learning and discussion. Quiet Days in the church and days at Holy Cross Monastery offer rich times for reflection.

In December 2024, The Right Reverend Jeremiah D. Williamson, Tenth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany visited our church when some of our members were confirmed and received, and others reaffirmed the faith of our church family.

Music Program

Music is an important component of worship at St. Stephen’s and everyone can participate in some way. Musicians and singers enhance our worship services as choir members, instrumentalists, soloists, and bell-ringers. St. Stephen’s is fortunate to have a 15-rank pipe organ in excellent condition, which is well suited to the space and effectively supports congregational singing, the choir, and a wide range of organ repertoire.

The Chancel Choir is made up of 8-10 volunteer singers. The choir sings music from a variety of periods and styles, chosen to best support the lessons and to speak to the diverse tastes and backgrounds of the congregation.

Worship Committee and Other Ministries

The Worship Committee assists the priest, both to help the people of Saint Stephen’s grow in their awareness of the deep meanings contained in our liturgy, and to provide for liturgy that engages and renews our faith, strengthens our spirit, and enables us to boldly live out our lives as Christians.

The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for services. Our church uses a local florist for weekly flower arrangements.

Lectors contribute to each service by offering lessons, leading the Psalms, and offering the Prayers of the People.

Eucharistic ministers are lay persons who assist the priest to distribute the elements during Holy Communion.

St. Stephen’s Acolytes range from the age of nine (or fourth grade) and assist the clergy at the Altar during worship services.

Greeters welcome people as they come into church. They hand out bulletins and assist people as needed. Greeters also collect the offering and direct the congregation to come to the altar rail during communion.